As You Draw Close to God, Remember This
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Sometimes I have habits of drawing near to the wrong things - like that overloaded cheesy nacho platter that may put me into cardiac arrest or binging too many episodes of reality TV.
Maybe you could add to that list too?
Daily we are intentionally investing our time and energy to draw near to things, people, and places. In order to draw near to something, there needs to be some movement.
Right? Some ummphhh and confidence behind those steps.
Here's a deep thought for today. If the nachos or reality TV wasn't in my space in the first place, I couldn't move closer to it. It would be so far out of reach or unattainable that I might not even know of its existence.
Yes, I'm using a nacho illustration to point us to Jesus… wait for it.
So as I was thinking about the Hebrews 4:16 passage shared above, I began thinking about moving close to God and what that looks like from the practical standpoint of things. He is always moving, and active all around us. In fact, as a believer, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling with us.
Yet I've found that sometimes we don't move close to God because of sin or shame or we feel like it's too hard to face the pain. Sometimes we're just lazy or distracted.
Sometimes we're tempted by harmful things.
Sometimes we take action to practice spiritual disciples that help us draw near to God instead of distractions or doubt.
Here's the most amazing thing to remember as you draw close to god…
We can confidently commune with Christ.
The very Creator of the Universe invites us to draw near to Himself. I wish I could fully grasp the beauty of this.
There's an invitation to be with Him because He's already here. Waiting. Wanting to be with you. Yes, you.
Hebrews 10:19 shares that we have the confidence to enter the holy places because of the blood of Jesus.
What an honor to be able to move closer and be in the presence of God!
We get to move boldly towards Him. From that place we take hold of compassion and discover the gift of God's favor and kindness that helps, equips, and empowers us in our time of need.
Draw near to God today!
James 4:8 reminds us that as you draw near to God, He will draw near to you.
So I pray this serves as a simple reminder to make the space. Take the energy.
Be intentional to meet with God and boldly move toward Him today!
Lord, I lift up this reader to you, I ask that you stir up such a confidence within them to not stutter step but to run close to you today. That we draw close to you daily, knowing that you are the supplier, sustainer and solution needed within our days. Not just that, but that You are our everything. May we draw close to you because we have such a deep love for You and because of that we want to be close.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Is there time in my day that may be spent focused on wrong or harmful thing?
Am I spending time with God, not because of religion tradition, but because of a desire to know Him better?
The last time I was intentional to spend time with God, this happened….
God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle