7 Truths When Life Seems Hard
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”
Sometimes life seems less than good. Circumstances may cause doubt or heartache. Yet, we read in James 1:17 about God and these good and perfect gifts. If you’re left feeling forgotten by God or wondering where He is in the midst of the mess you find yourself facing, I pray this serves as a reminder for you.
In the beginning of James, it discusses how we can label the hard things in life as joyful because we develop endurance and trust. We can gain wisdom from God in the process. Here are seven theological truths to hold onto when your life seems to be navigating through some bumps and bruises.
The “GOOD GIFT + PERFECT GIFT” mentioned in James 1: 17 are nouns with two different meanings in the greek.
The good gift is expressing acts of giving.
The perfect gift is actually bestowed.
Romans 5:16 reads, “Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.”
Basically, we can't blame God for our desire to sin... because God should get credit for EVERY good thing in our lives, not the sloppy stuff. We can worship God for His gift of grace, removing shame and sin and transforming our lives.
7 Truths about God and His Gifts
God doesn't change in your trial or suffering.
God doesn't change in your triumph or success.
He is with you. The same God who you saw bless you today with a victory, is still there in a tragedy.
He is dependable and His character remains the same.
He is perfect.
There is nothing dishonest in God.
His gifts are heaven-sent.
The Message translation of james 1:17 says, " So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all his creatures."
God is good, His gifts are too.
Does God produce weariness in you? No. He gives you strength.
Does God make you feel insecure or alone? No. He enables you to find security in Him.
Does God invite you to gossip about your gal-pal? No. He gifts you with words of affirmation and encouragement.
Some of you may not know the goodness of the perfect gift of Jesus. If that's you, I pray Jesus becomes real to you today! Some of you may have forgotten that He cares for you and is giving you self-control through the Holy Spirit, or peace, joy, gentleness.
God is developing good gifts inside of you, and you get to respond with thanksgiving. Take time to notice Him moving in and through your life!
Just remember these truths, God is good, His gifts are too.
May God continue to develop the gifts in and through you. Verbally thank God for how He's working in your life this week!
God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle