What's My Purpose in Life?
“We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. ”
What's my purpose in life?
Why do things seem so stressful?
What's God's will FOR me?
At a doctor’s appointment a few days ago I was reminded that being a believer doesn't make you exempt from stress or suffering. I feel like I've been writing a lot about this topic lately.
I also think the world isn't having a hard time highlighting its broken humanity right now. I just don't want to have the type of theology that is shocked or totally shaken when I encounter it. I want to have a theology (thoughts about God) that recognize HIS GOODNESS in the bad. I'm not saying God is causing the pain, He can however turn it for good.
As I was talking to a woman at my appointment she shared that her brother-in-law, who was a minister of two local churches, had just passed away.
His death not only left two church communities devastated but his wife and their young kids. Her sister is now navigating grief, what's next within the ministry, and all the everyday things that come with caring for a small family.
I was so encouraged by this woman's faith as she shared how she was able to support her sister as they navigated really BIG decisions, what-ifs, and a deeper understanding of God's goodness.
I was reminded of Paul's writing in Romans 8:18-30. He shares that creation and humans will have current trials and sufferings as we live in this in-between place of waiting for Christ to return. The final redemption is when Christ returns to fully establish His Kingdom on earth.
As we wait Holy Spirit brings redemption and sustains Christ-followers as He carries out God's plan to bring believers to glory. Just as Romans 8:17 reminds us as God's children we will suffer with Christ, and we will also be glorified with Him. This is what today's passage is sharing. Verse 30 has Paul writing in a prophetic past tense that believers will be glorified. There is more to the story than what we can see right now.
I know there are at least 5 different topics we could focus on in today's Scripture, but let's focus on this idea - from the start to the finish, God is making all things work together for good.
As salvation is worked out in the life of the believer, things work together for good.
What if our purpose was simply to bring God glory as we learn to recognize His goodness?!
I will leave you with a beautiful commentary from Andrew Knowles' book The Bible Guide. He writes:
We’re living in the overlap between the resurrection of Jesus and the final victory of God. We’re living in the old cosmos which is in the throes of giving birth to the new creation.
This is a stressful process. The creation is groaning with pain and frustration. We, living in the old creation but part of the new, are groaning with longing for release. The Spirit within us—a Holy Spirit in a sinful nature—is groaning with prayer that God’s will be done.
But God is winning. He is reversing the effects of the fall, and recreating his creation. He is transforming us from sinners into his children. If we doubt his commitment, then look again at the love he has already shown us by sending his only Son to die for us. He will surely finish what he has started.
Yes, we are stressed. We are living for God in a world which has rejected him. We share the suffering of Christ. But there is no power in earth or heaven which can stop God loving us now. Every dimension of creation—life and death, the invisible powers of the supernatural and everything that exists in time and space—is subject to the lordship of Jesus Christ." (page 571)
There is so much beauty to behold in the waiting.
If you are enduring sadness, stress, or sorrow please know that I am praying for you.
Lord, I pray for the person reading this. I ask that you make yourself real through a love that brings comfort and healing. A love that perseveres and brings goodness. May we see Your goodness over and over again as heaven invades earth. May we know You as a good God from start to finish. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I've suffered through [____fill in the blank____]
And saw God's goodness look like [____fill in the blank____].
Take a 30 second praise break and thank God for all the goodness He's brought to your life!
Thank God for using YOU to shine goodness to others too. :)
God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle