What does it REALLY mean to walk in step with God?
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Have you spent hours recently scrolling endless TikTok accounts watching people dance?
There's always that one dude who's out of sync. I love that guy, because at least he's trying... right?
And if we're being fully honest, I'm usually that out of sync dancer too. ha!
Lately I’ve been prayerfully reflecting on what it really means to "keep in step" with Holy Spirit. Because we all know how awkward and uncomfortable it can feel to be moving out of sync.
As a person who believes in Jesus, my purpose can simply be to glorify God and enjoy Him in whatever situation I'm in. That approach really takes the pressure off from me to feel like I have to perform, and it helps me place significance on moments that often get overlooked.
From scrubbing the toilet to speaking to crowds, I get to show up with the same purpose.
Within those different scenarios though, how do I stay in STEP with how God is moving?
For example:
How do you hear Holy Spirit bring peace in the middle of a chaotic moment of home-schooling?
How do you hear God speak the next step towards that goal you're pursuing?
How do you receive His love when you may feel alone?
Just like that out of sync dancer showed up - we get to too.
And bonus for all you Christ-followers, we're already equipped with the Holy Spirit who guides, helps and empowers us towards action.
From this place we learn to hear how God is moving, what He's doing and we can participate in that.
We're out of step with God the times we're pursuing things that take us out of relationship with Him. Just as verse 26 shares, "Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another...". Maybe for you it’s something else like habitual sin or you find yourself worshipping the wrong thing but all you have to do to stay in sync is receive the grace and mercy of Jesus.
Making time to be with God is valuable and needed to stay in step with how He's moving and positioning you.
There's a unique gifting on your life. You have God-given talents and abilities that I don't have. There's one you. Your DNA, personality traits, experiences, and passions make you equipped to step with the Spirit in a way that I can't.
God is moving all across this earth. You have relationships with people I don't know.
You're connected to a community that could use your prayers.
You have God-given solutions people are desperate for.
Your laugh is infectious.
You get to show up and step in sync with the direction God is moving and you’re already suited up for it because the Holy Spirit indwells in you.
You're already equipped to move, rest, dance, pause, twirl, reflect, and run some more.
God's positioning you.
He's providing for you.
He's waiting for you to show up and ask , "What's next!?".
Set aside twenty minutes for God doing that discipline.
Show up FOR God just to get know Him better. As you do, you're understanding His character which means you can better understand the role He plays in your life, and how and when He's moving.
Remember, as you continue to show up for God, you'll start to walk in cadence WITH Him. Just like the way you and your bestie share a similar language and mannerisms.
Spend some time taking actionable steps today to strengthen your faith. There is SO much God is doing, and can you BELIEVE we're invited to be apart of it?!
Continue to walk in step with the Spirit, He has SO much for you!
Looking for a resource to continue the conversation and discover the Holy Spirit in your everyday life?
My newest book Getting to Know God’s Voice is available (releases October 2020) and will empower you to do JUST that.
you can learn to recognize and respond to God's voice. And when you do, your days will be filled with amazing new possibilities and purpose. You were made for this!