5 Ways to Know God Better
“ Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
If you behold something you observe and truly see it. The passage above shares that as we behold the Lord, we become image-bearers. But how do we first learn to truly see our God?
What does it look like to KNOW God? Not just chase an experience with Him, but to truly know Him?
Imagine you and I had a coffee chat. Wouldn't that be fun? We schedule time together and reserve a date on the calendar. We show up together... but what if you left feeling like you knew NOTHING more about me?
We drank coffee for an hour, sitting together and it stopped right there.
Now hear me when I say this... there's a time and a place. Sometimes the most intimate relationships can be in the same room and not speak a word.
But you can't live in that space forever. Am I right?
So what would it look like to not only spend time with Christ but also GET to know Him?
I've been wondering about that a lot lately. I want to leave my prayer time, Bible study time, church time and know Him deeper.
I don't want to come with an agenda to get something, but I come with an agenda to gain a deeper understanding of Him. I think FROM that place of beholding, we inadvertently begin to strengthen our character and become more and more like Him.
The great news is that we have access to knowing God through:
Revelation from the Holy Spirit
Studying the Word
Participating in a Bible-teaching local church
Praying (communicating with God)
Praise and worship
As we approach those places without a self-serving agenda but one of getting to know the Creator of the Universe, we truly begin to know Him deeper.
Ask God for help in making His word come alive, turn away from distractions, and move closer to Him. Ask Him to align your heart with His. As you get to know His character, it begins to shape your world-view and you too!
Simply by communing WITH Him, we become what we behold. What a gift!
Spend a few minutes right now asking God, "What can I do to know you better?" (and then do it)
God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle