Dream Come True

“This is the gospel-centered 'you can do it' book we've been looking for!"

- Jamie Ivey

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    "Lord, I want to dream because I’m beginning to hear You inviting me to stand in holy places. In these places, You transform buried potential into beautiful possibilities..."

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What’s your one big dream and what’s keeping you from it?

Do you have a seemingly unachievable goal, an insatiable itch you can’t scratch, an amazing thing you wish you could accomplish if only you had the time, talent, or tenacity? Stop and think about that for a second. (Take your time…we’ll wait.)


You know that God-given dream is for you!

But every time you try to take action, you feel overwhelmed, insecure, and unsure of what’s next.

  • You’ve tried googling your way into success but got distracted by cat photos,

  • you even prayed up some hail marys hoping to get a quick fix but Simon Cowell hasn’t hit that golden buzzer,

  • and that fancy new notebook with the tabs remains empty, void of the goals your dream needs to succeed.

All of this has left you feeling exhausted and more confused than when you started.

You are not alone.

In Dream Come True, Jenny Randle comes alongside you and equips you to:

  • Identify and understand God's divine strategic plan within your right now season.

  • Combat the 5 common excuses so you can ditch the doubts and prevent procrastination from keeping you from achieving your greatest goals.

  • Take action with this interactive guide. From connecting with a friend to tackling that to-do list, you’ll complete challenges that lead you on the path to pursuing what matters most.

Whatever that dream is for you, here is what you need to know: Faith-filled dreams come alive with action. This interactive book empowers you to identify and answer the Lord’s call on your life and helps you find practical answers to that all-important question, “What do I do next?” This is your time to go from dreaming to doing. You were designed for this!

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“It’s weird how we can have a hope-filled dream but feel weighed down with hopelessness. Big goals can feel overwhelming or overpowering because we don’t know how to start. As a result we may simply remain on hold.”

- Jenny Randle


Who is this book for?

Dream_Come_True-Spine (1).png

If you...

  • Are ready to finally tackle that dream or figure out what it is…

  • Long to know God better and grow closer to Him…

  • Are curious if the “American” dream and God’s dream can co-exist…

  • Feel trapped by excuses or failures and think you aren’t good enough…

  • Want to learn about your calling from a foundational theological perspective…

  • Wonder what your next steps are towards pursuing this dream…

  • Want to understand your God-given voice and why it matters…

  • Are ready to improve your productivity and better prioritize your goals…

  • Want tools to help you get more done in less time…


This book is NOT for you if just got distracted looking at cat photos again (just kidding).

Dream Come True guides you toward your next best steps as you pursue the adventures God has for you!


“The same God, the one who redeems and restores, uses all your excuses to point you back to Him. He is with you and calling you to a new level of influence for Him. Wherever God is leading is where you need to be.”

- Jenny Randle


endorsements + support for Dream Come True

“In a world of hustle and pressure to do all the things, these pages provide a desperately needed guide to put comparison aside and instead pursue faith-filled dreams with purpose, patience, and intention.” — Jordan Lee Dooley Wall Street Journal&nb…

“In a world of hustle and pressure to do all the things, these pages provide a desperately needed guide to put comparison aside and instead pursue faith-filled dreams with purpose, patience, and intention.”

Jordan Lee Dooley
Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Own Your Everyday


“I absolutely love how Jenny doesn’t allow us to language-labor over dreams we’ve put on a shelf. Instead, every chapter of Dream Come True is filled with practical and logical steps that will help you dust off the delusions and see your dream come true! Jenny offers the creative coaching you need to step outside your fantasy and walk confidently with your greatest visions into reality. Beautifully written and designed, Dream Come True will become a page-turner to read and a scrapbook to hold the memories of the moment your ‘maybe someday’ turned into ‘today.’”

Candace Payne
viral sensation + joy evangelist

“I absolutely love how Jenny doesn’t allow us to language-labor over dreams we’ve put on a shelf. Instead, every chapter of Dream Come True is filled with practical and logical steps that will help you dust off the delusions and see your dream come …
"If you have ever thought, 'I have a dream, but I don't know where to start,' this is the book for you! Dreams don’t just come true without the dreamer putting in the work. In this book, Jenny encourages you to take small steps daily to work toward …

"If you have ever thought, 'I have a dream, but I don't know where to start,' this is the book for you! Dreams don’t just come true without the dreamer putting in the work. In this book, Jenny encourages you to take small steps daily to work toward your goal, and she continually points you to the truth about who you are because of God’s love for you. This is the gospel-centered 'you can do it' book we've been looking for!"

— Jamie Ivey
bestselling author and host of The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey podcast and The Jamie Ivey Show


Dream Come True takes the dream that feels impossible and abstract and makes it approachable, clear, and achievable. Jenny has a gift to help people not only to dream but also to see those dreams turn into reality. As we move into what God is calling us to do and be, we all need partners, advocates, and friends, and Jenny will be that person for you. In these pages, you’ll find yourself looking upward to God, working inward to the heart, and moving forward to understand the dream God has put in you. Your dream doesn’t have to remain a dream—this book will help you make your dream come true.”

Mark Schilling
pastor, Redeemer Church, Rome, New York

“Dream Come True takes the dream that feels impossible and abstract and makes it approachable, clear, and achievable. Jenny has a gift to help people not only to dream but also to see those dreams turn into reality. As we move into what God is calli…
"Jenny Randle does it again with Dream Come True. Her incredible ability to apply Scriptural truth to your personal journey and goals is life changing. Her book offers a practical guide to dreaming with God about your destiny and taking practical st…

"Jenny Randle does it again with Dream Come True. Her incredible ability to apply Scriptural truth to your personal journey and goals is life changing. Her book offers a practical guide to dreaming with God about your destiny and taking practical steps to reach those goals. Her creativity is unparalleled by anyone I know. After reading Dream Come True, you will sense a renewed passion for your purpose. This Christ-centered book is a hands-on guide with one power punch after another. Get your copy and get ready to not only dream but also make that dream a reality!"

Brynn Shamp
cofounder and CEO of Destiny Encounters International


Finally, a book that not only teaches you how to dream with God but actually “do” too!



Hi, I’m Jenny, a fellow dreamer, and recovering procrastinator.


Why learn from me?

I've been supporting creative teams with faith-based encouragement and strategic training since 2003. In fact, this year alone, I’ve helped dreamers take back their time, get practical tools, and be empowered them with Biblical truths to ditch the doubt and get stuff done.

● A leader discovered her strengths and gained clarity within her business

● A young woman found renewed purpose within the daily grind of life

● A writer finalized a book proposal that was sitting on the shelf for years (and literary agents are begging for it!)

But it wasn’t always this way.

Like I said, recovering procrastinator…

before that, I was stuck in delay, ignoring a dream for a decade.

In 2009 I was recognized with one of the highest honors in the Entertainment industry – an Emmy® Award. As a Hollywood editor on billion-dollar projects for major film studios, I began to feel God inviting me to walk away from the pinnacle of my career in order to answer God’s call on my life for the next season.

I had big dreams, but even bigger excuses. I found myself living in this performance mentality zone, riddled with anxiousness and comparison. I thought, “Who am I to do that dream?”

So I ignored it.

But with every God-dream, they don’t just go away. For years I was holy-haunted within the cracks of my day wondering if this dream was actually a thing. Then I had a defining moment with God and realized this whole thing wasn’t about me anyway. He broke the chains of inadequacy, taught me about my identity in Him, and began to show me how to live on purpose.

It wasn’t until I began to truly understand God and His divine strategic plan that everything changed.

I’ve since realized dreams don't just transpire, books don't write themselves, and healthy bodies don’t just plop out of thin air. Beyond the dream, there's goal setting, building, intention, and accountability involved. And please, for all things holy, learn from my mistakes… it does not have to be ten years of denial or delay for you!

Start to show up for that dream, I’m here to help you.

For the last five years, I’ve been writing faith-based books, coaching creatives, and speaking at church events sharing a message of hope and promise; a reminder that your life has purpose. Thousands of ambitious people, like yourself, have taken the next steps within their faith-filled journeys.

That’s why I’m so passionate about my newest book Dream Come True. It’s a practical and gospel-centered conversation that encapsulates the twists and turns towards pursuing the adventures God has for you. Together lets witness God move through the “seemingly mundane” dreams and in the ones the world deems “major successes”. All are equally important, as we confidently respond to God. Remember, He created you to dream on… all for His glory and the good of others.


For media or press inquiries regarding Jenny and Dream Come True, please contact Gresham Hill Management, Inc. at annie@greshamhill.com


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