3 Truths for When You Think You Need to Be Noticed by Others
“Soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water, and Jesus said to her, “Please give me a drink.” 8 He was alone at the time because his disciples had gone into the village to buy some food.
9 The woman was surprised, for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, “You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?” 10 Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.”
Jesus is Friend to Those Society Often Overlooks
-see the above verse for more info
This selfie culture we’ve created is desperately shouting “LOOK AT ME!”
We crave to be seen.
Seen in a way that helps you understand your purpose, shows that you matter, and are valuable and worth being loved.
A desire to be seen can manifest through being an overachiever or performer. Or sometimes the cry of "look at me" results in looking for attention in all the wrong places.
Here's the thing, we don't have to CRAVE being seen.
We already are.
Jesus saw the Samaritan woman and entered into a conversation with her, even though culturally at that time that was unheard of. He was a friend to tax collectors, hung out with sinners, and was always noticing people who society would overlook.
He spoke hope to the hopeless, healed the broken, turned sinners to saints, and helped the disenfranchised.
Jesus saw people.
And may this serve as a friendly reminder that He sees you too.
If you have yet to know Christ intimately, perhaps He is inviting you into a relationship with Himself. From this place, you become a daughter or son who has found victory from sin and death.
As a follower of Christ, you become a child that walks in freedom and carries truth.
Holy Spirit Reminds Believers that They are God’s Children
- see Romans 8:16 for more
All of you who are parents, remember that feeling of holding your newborn child?
You were beaming with pride and love was overflowing. All the child had done up until that point was probably cry their face-off and poop their pants. But still - you sat there rocking your baby in your arms, seeing every detail of them from their tiny freckle to their little patch of hair on their head. You notice and care when they struggle with indigestion, have trouble sleeping, or smile for the first time. You offer help, healing, and hope.
Romans 8:16 reminds us that the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.
As a Christ-follower there's nothing you have to do to be seen by God.
It's His character to overflow with a Father's love for His child.
He sees you and extends His hands to empower you to break free from the sin that entangles you. Perhaps He sees the sorrow you carry and sits with you in it. He is not only friend but a father who provides an inheritance to His Kingdom.
Father God Lavishes His Love on Us
-see 1 John 3:1 for more info
When was the last time you’ve felt truly seen?
Not just passed by with a glance in between scroll breaks on the phone. But truly, deeply seen.
God sees you.
It’s not based on your achievements.
It's not based on your failure.
It’s a beautiful, “I know the number of hairs on your head” kind-of sees you.
God looks past that circumstance from the past that you’ve let define you.
And He sees a new you.
So take a break from striving, and be still and know, that you are already deeply, truly seen by a God who gives you hope and a future. He sees you when you ache for a friend, come to Him in repentance, and cry out for a father!
As a child of God, you are known, valued, and are deeply loved.
How can you remember and rest in that today?
Take a few minutes and ask Holy Spirit...What do you see when you look at me.
Thank you for speaking to our hearts, Lord! Help us discern if what we're hearing aligns with the Bible and your character!
Right now, take a 30-second praise break and begin to thank Jesus for the gift He's given us!
Thank you, Lord, for who you are! Help us see others the way you see them too. God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle