How to Walk in God’s Purpose When You Feel Weighted Down By Pain
“Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.
God has a plan, purpose and has placed a passion inside of you that is making a difference in the world.
If you’re a mom at home with your littles or a high-powered business person, your passions may seem different but your purpose is the same -
you’re bringing God glory and enjoying Him as you let His light shine through your day-to-day.
But sometimes you may feel a little less *bright* than normal. Winter blues is a thing, or maybe there’s a circumstance that’s derailed you and left your heart feeling weighed down.
If that’s the case, read on.
May these words lift you up if you feel the light slowly fading.
You aren’t alone and aren’t called to suffer in silence.
Perhaps your to-do list is a mile long, your kid is homesick and the phone is ringing off the hook with people that “need” you. Maybe your heart is heavy because you lost a loved one and navigating grief is always deep. Or you're weighed down by a circumstance out of your control and you desperately want to be IN control.
Stress and struggle are unavoidable.
Since we can’t avoid either, the question becomes, how do we navigate pain or stress so it doesn’t become a BIG mess?
Psalms 94 talks about how the Lord will not forsake us. Verse 19 says this “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.”
Encouragement is found in the comfort of God.
Even when it feels like He’s not there He hasn’t actually left or abandoned you.
REMINDER: God is STILL Holy in the middle of your hard, stressful, or anxious circumstance.
When we’re stuck in unhealthy stress responses, we have a limiting view that forgets God is still on the throne and working on earth.
The Bible actually talks about how we’re going to suffer and endure trials, I mean, wouldn’t it be great if Christianity was made up of lollipops, unicorns, and rainbows all the time?! Maybe it is, it just requires a focus shift. We can endure that hard stuff well and honor God when we look to Him.
You are not meant to bear the weight of the cross the way Christ does. His life, death, and resurrection give us space to see the miracle of who HE is. Your heavy heart doesn’t derail God’s Holiness on the earth.
REMINDER: I’m not saying the Gospel is a band-aid over pain. I know we’re all in process and there are practical things we can do too. Anxious thoughts spiraling, panic attacks, and battling constant worry are a bigger cry for help. So if you’re noticing debilitating anxiety, please get help through the support of medical professions.
In college, I struggled with anxiety and depression.
I know God can bring healing in an instant, for me it was a process. I was doing all the things - seeing a counselor, taking medicine, actively in the Word, and participating in a faith community.
One day I desperately prayed, “Lord, will you please just use me today, I’m so tired of being tired and feeling purposeless!”
Hours later as I walked through the college cafe I saw a friend in the distance. Then, I felt that still small whisper of God, “Go ask her if she’s pregnant.”
The internal wrestling match began with Holy Spirit.
“God, you crazy. She doesn’t look pregnant!…”
Before I knew it my feet were faster than my over-analytical mind and words began spilling from my mouth as I stood face to face with this friend.
Her jaw almost hit the ground and she revealed that she was and had no idea how to navigate this. In that instant, she felt the love of God and knew that He cared deeply for her and her baby.
It was in this moment I was able to see that even in my pain, insecurity, in process of mental health healing… God was still working. Holy Spirit ministered through me that day with a revelatory gift (word of knowledge) while pointing her to Himself.
REMINDER: Recognize as a Christ-follower Holy Spirit indwells within. He’s producing godly character in you and can powerfully impact the world around you. It’s what it looks like to live Spirit-led.
So how do we move forward if life feels… well, messy?
Don’t diminish your pain, but don’t wear it as a badge of honor either. Put it in its rightful place, under the Lordship of Jesus.
Commit to working THROUGH it. Every day is a choice to decide if you enter into God’s story or not.
You’ll find encouragement through the tough stuff by seeking the comfort of God. Spend a little extra time today reading your favorite Bible story, turning on some worship tunes, or connecting with a friend from your faith community.
Shift your eyes and know, God’s plans for you are good.
From this place, you’ll see the greater victory.
From this place, you’ll see He’s still working in your life and can make an impact… even when it seems the light has faded. It’s still there because God’s still there ready to pour out through willing vessels who walk in obedience. When you feel weighed down by pain, His purpose still remains.
There are plans He’s positioned you for - SHINE ON!
Ask Holy Spirit to show you how to navigate stress or a heavy heart.
Take a 30-second praise break and thank God for comfort, healing, and a perspective shift.
God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle