Christ Followers Should Remain Devoted to These 5 Things
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”
A few weeks ago we were teaching our kids about fasting.
“Fasting is when you give up something (typically food) and you devote that time and energy to God.”
My nine-year-old son thinks for a second
“Mom, I know what I’m going to fast!....
I’m going to fast… chores!”
My son was joking and we all had a good laugh!
But his statement got me thinking…
How often do we find ourselves twisting our faith to fit our comfort or “cultural norms” and we may not even realize it?
As we study the book of Acts we can see what the church looked like in its greatest purity and innocence.
Luke is sharing how these Christ-followers, filled with the Holy Spirit remained DEVOTED to four things.
Ready for it?
1 + 2. Apostles Teaching
The apostles were authoritative eyewitnesses sharing stories and teachings of Jesus. This turned into the gospels. So this is referring to two truths – devotion to Biblical literacy through His word and devotion to the teaching of the Word
3. Fellowship
Fellowship in community with one another and Christ
4. Breaking of the bread
This is referring to sharing communal meals and the Lord’s supper
5. Prayers
This is a way we get to communicate with God
I believe the greatest battle the American church is up against right now is twisted truth, deception and believers who are apathetic.
I mean we have had a year of bad habits to contend against. Right?
Netflix binges, sorta-kinda attending church online but also doing the dishes at the same time, not being in face-to-face community with other humans and enough already with all the zoom meetings.
In 1 Timothy 4:1 (ESV), Paul writes to a missionary partner Timothy and says “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons...”
Do you see the word that clings our two verses together?
This is a season where the Lord is equipping us to stand for truth and fight against the lies of the enemy. To show up FOR God, fueled BY God.
How do you show your devotion to the things you love?
Conviction doesn't leave us in shame but causes us to change, to grow, to know Christ in a deeper way.
We HAVE TO keep showing up for God.
No one said perseverance in the faith would be easy, but it’s NECESSARY.
Ask Holy Spirit, "What has my devotion?"
Lord may you help us pursue these healthy spiritual disciplines that deepen our faith. Equip me to:
Come to online or in-person church services regularly (not out of tradition but a passion for you)
Bring me a greater revelation of TRUTH through Your word
May I be a friend and mentor to others within my Christian community
Teach me how to pray and obey - Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
1. Does my calendar reflect my devotion to God through a commitment to Biblical literacy through His word , the teaching of the Word, fellowship, sharing meals together and praying?
2. Do my priorities honor my relationship with Him?
God is at work all around us (and in us), don't miss it!
written by Jenny Randle