5 Essential Books to Read for Christian Women Leaders
“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
As Christian women, we know that true leadership is characterized by servanthood. Whether we’re up for a promotion at work, navigating motherhood, or hosting Bible studies, we know that the purpose of our lives is not to seek our own agendas—it’s to serve God and those He’s placed in our lives.
This truth is always essential to cling to, but especially when we find ourselves in leadership positions. After all, we know that God doesn’t place us anywhere by accident. For the times when we need a reminder of this purposeful placement and tips for navigating it, here are a few books with valuable advice.
1. Entrusted to Lead by Donna Pisani
Built on a biblical perspective of women in leadership, Entrusted to Lead provides practical advice for tackling the leadership journey. In it, Donna Pisani encourages readers to:
Embrace their God-given leadership gifts
Fight hesitation to pursue their calling
Share the gospel, even when no one seems to be listening
Feel strengthened when facing leadership challenges
Whether you’re struggling to understand God’s calling on your life or you don’t feel supported in the positions He’s placed you in, this book helps readers shift their focus from viewing leadership roles as entitled positions to entrusted assignments. It also makes for a great group study if you’re planning to join an online Bible study or book club since readers can compare strategies and encourage each other to implement the practical tips included.
2. Flash Theology by Jenny Randle and Brayden Brookshier
What better way to lead than with confidence in the example set by Christ? By understanding our identities in light of God’s, we can more clearly see His purpose for our lives and how to live like Him.
Flash Theology builds the foundation for this understanding in a visually-driven guide to who God is and how His identity connects to ours.
Broken down into 31 quick, core Christian truths, this book helps readers draw closer to God as they:
Grasp strong theological concepts that embolden their faith
Internalize truths about God’s heart for them
Find encouragement in God’s plan for their live
These foundational truths are essential to every role we fill, leadership-oriented or not. Our faith is the foundation of everything we do, whether we’re leading in various environments, submitting to authority figures, or collaborating with believers and non-believers alike.
3. Follow God’s Will by Brittany Ann
It can be hard to balance reading the Bible in its intended context and knowing how to live according to Scripture in the modern day. We know that the Bible is God’s Word given to us, but not revolving around us—and yet, it’s the guidebook for how we should spend our time here on Earth.
Follow God’s Will addresses this paradox by helping women answer the essential question: “What does God want me to do?” Esther Press’s list of Christian books for women describes it as a blend of Scripture, real-life stories, and practical advice that teaches readers how to live out God’s Word.
This guide for putting the Bible’s teachings into practice reminds us that even when we’re trusted with leadership roles, we’re still following God’s lead in every conversation, decision, and action. This way, we can learn how to:
Seek God’s will for our lives
Live out our faith daily
Treat non-Christians with love
Whether you’re confused about God’s overall plan for your life or simply wondering whether or not to take that job offer, understanding His Word and listening to His voice are the keys to determining His will.
4. Warrior of Eden by Beth Guckenberger
We know that God has given us unique gifts that we can use whether we’re at work, church, home, or anywhere else. However, it can be difficult to focus on listening to His truth with so many other voices calling for our attention: judgment from peers, social media expectations, and more.
Block out the noise and reconnect with your God-given purpose in Warrior of Eden, a biblically-based book that explores 27 thought-provoking questions, such as:
What does “suitable helper” in Genesis 2 really mean?
Are we made in the image of a male God?
How did the early church treat women?
When have I joined men in battle, and when have I picked one instead?
Why is the church lagging in this conversation instead of leading?
Instead of asking the world what a woman in leadership looks like, it’s time we reconnect with God’s calling on our lives. Lead the charge toward His plan and become confident in the abilities He’s given us.
5. Stand in Confidence by Amanda Pittman
As leaders, there’s immense pressure to know what we’re doing. Whether you’re the decision-maker at work, teaching your kids right from wrong, or trying to say the right thing when life gets hard, confidence is half the battle.
Stand in Confidence emboldens readers to overcome uncertainty and move forward in the abundant life God has given us! By correcting our damaging self-beliefs with the truth of our God-given identities, we can live boldly in God’s calling on our lives.
In this book, author Amanda Pittman establishes the Four Components of Confidence:
Clarity: Embrace your identity and define your design.
Connection: Connect with God and connect with others.
Competency: Develop your ability and expand your capacity.
Conviction: Know your responsibility and use your authority.
Through these pillars of truth, readers can not only view themselves and their responsibilities in light of God’s will but also encourage their communities of friends and family members to do the same.
Think about it: Have you ever tried on a shirt and felt unsure about buying it until your best friend convinced you that it looked good? How many books have you bought at the recommendation of a trusted friend? In the same way, it’s important to encourage our fellow women of faith to pursue their Christ-centered identities! This book is a great resource for just that—consider diving into this book with your Bible study group or book club to guide your encouragement.